s walls come down, and the lines between indoors and outdoors blur, the need for connectivity and flexibility in commercial design and public areas is at an all-time high. For example, think about today’s modern work places. A four-walled cubicle with a desk is no longer common. Often times, employees are set up in open floorplans and plugging in anywhere (and everywhere) has become the norm. Despite this shift, employees – and their employers – still expect constant connections and the most productivity.
As these environmental usages continue to evolve, commercial design must adapt to supply different technology solutions. From open work areas to meeting rooms, education facilities, and public places such as restaurants, listed below are three different options specifically geared towards commercial designers and what could be considered to have an effective and safe power source throughout any environment.
Portable Charging Stations

The easiest way to add power outdoors is to select solutions, such as outdoor charging stations that blend effortlessly into existing landscapes. Manufacturers are designing these products precisely to be outdoor-rated and engineered to withstand different types of weather conditions while offering USB outlets, power outlets and LED lights to illuminate pathways.
Transforming Your Existing Furniture into a Powersource

On a typical day within the workplace, employers are solely at their desks close to 50% of the day. Conference rooms tend to only be used between 50 and 60% of the time. Several companies are currently increasing the ways in which people can meet and collaborate. Working spaces to conspire and work together have officially replaced the cubicle. Given the alternative to work and learn anywhere is more than an upcoming trend and more of an expectation, especially the accessibility to plug in any electric device wherever you go.
Specifically, for architects and commercial designers who are considering to incorporate power sources into their working spaces, there is a range of solutions that can turn furniture into a working power source. Tools such as furniture feeds for a conference room table or power-devices integrated directly into the furniture offer excellent solutions without compromising the furniture.
Design for Convenience Now and in the Future

For example, a restaurant will likely encounter patrons needing to quickly charge a smartphone, which requires less power than larger devices. An office, on the other hand, can have a combination of smartphones, tablets, wearables, and laptops that have more varied power demands. Multi-outlet systems that provide multiple access ports are best suited for airports and bars since those tends to be the places where there are never enough outlets. Pedestals or outdoor charging stations bring power to areas off the wall, whether in a central location or in an outdoor setting. There are several USB-based charging solutions that are suited to the diverse array of charging demands found in business and public spaces.
Adding power to existing furnishings provides connections outside and puts in devices that may simply be replaced to adapt to dynamic technologies that can guarantee an area is ready to satisfy the strain of a brand new generation. several of those changes include benefits such as reduced building operating prices, while providing solutions that safely add power. If you are working to design a new build, these pointers may facilitate specifiers, architects and designers alike to stay ahead on the forefront of change.
At InteriorLOGIC, we build work environments. From our home office in Madison, WI our award-winning commercial interior design team focuses on creating spaces that work. We continually work to improve the end user experience with each design and our team is well-suited for challenging projects including LEED certification and sustainability projects. For more information about our business and approach, please visit www.intlogic.com.