Knowledge Through Research

Leaders in the Design Field

Our profession is defined by the intersection of design and technology. At Interior Logic, we recognize the critical role technology plays in a successful creative process.

Historically, design decisions were largely imaginative. We weren’t able to really envision what the final product would look like. The technology revolution has spurned tools to bring architectural vision to life with 3D renderings and interactive modeling.

We work with several forms of technology that allow our projects to come to life. Innovation is moving beyond the hard modeling and drafting into a visualization dreamspace. These tools enable us to collaborate with our clients in real-time to generate a cohesive vision and avoid potential project pitfalls.

Building Information Modeling

BIM is an integrated design plan system adopted by the architectural and construction industry to allow real-time plan development. This is a critical improvement for visualization and allows a shared model platform in the facility design phase. Ultimately, BIM yields a complete system as a knowledge resource from conception to demolition. We use BIM as a tool for efficient plan design and on the fly modeling.

3D Modeling

3D Modeling is the first step into virtual environment. InteriorLOGIC uses 3D for environmental design and spatial experience modeling. It allows unique vantage points and distinguishes itself from 2D modeling through designing in real space values. A true X, Y, and Z coordinate experience.

InteriorLOGIC can adapt our plans to include 3D Modeling to reveal the true impact of our designs.

Innovation isn’t just driving design decisions, but also an adopted piece of every projects final vision. Being at the forefront of technology affords us a chance to walk in the end users shoes. It’s important for us to know the technological possibilities and innovative materials on the market so we can provide the best user experience both spatially and environmentally.

With our commitment to innovation, InteriorLOGIC is positioned to improve the experience for our clients’ tomorrows.


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