Construction Updates for Blackhawk Church Fitchburg

We are excited to be part of design team for the new Blackhawk Church in Fitchburg, WI. Over the coming months, we’ll be periodically updating the job progress and cataloging the various stages of the new construction build. Our commercial interiors team is providing the interior finishes and space planning for this new 42,000 square foot facility. The concrete tilt-up project is general contracted by Newcomb Construction and will be completed in 2019.

Blackhawk Church – Fitchburg
5890 Lacy Rd.
Fitchburg, Wisconsin 53711


11/18/2019 UPDATE

Finishes are finally coming into view. Take a look at this awesome mural by Emily Balsey.

11/1/2019 UPDATE

We wanted to share another photo update from Astor Drive. This is all because of your generosity and we can’t wait to get the doors open for our Fitchburg community.


10/18/2019 UPDATE

Quick look at some of the progress on our future space. Shout out the many women and men that are a part of this project. It looks amazing!


9/25/2019 UPDATE

Here are some updated photos of all the things happening at Fitchburg!



9/10/2019 UPDATE

Our new space is looking great!
**Recently completed: roof solar panel array, worship platform, sidewalk/entrance and much much more!
**In process: painting, interior stone masonry, exterior metal and wood panels, site grading and landscaping.
**Upcoming: door installation, interior lighting and tree install in Blackhawk Kids.


8/28/2019 UPDATE

Solar panels are in, bring on the sunshine! We have 318 panels and 105 kW production (the average home uses 30 kW per day). We were the recipient of the Renewable Energy competitive Incentive Program (RECIP) as well as the Renew Wisconsin Solar for good Grant.



6/25/2019 UPDATE

A big shout out to all that are working so hard to get our new Fitchburg building ready, it’s looking great!
**In process: installing duct work, interior framing, installing windows, plumbing and electrical, site grading
**Upcoming: door installation, painting, interior stone masonry, roof solar panel array



6/13/2019 UPDATE

6/7/2019 UPDATE

4/30/2019 UPDATE

Building construction is progressing quickly both outside and inside. It’s looking great!
**Recently completed: HVAC units placed on roof; most roofing complete
**In process: pouring floors, installing duct work, interior framing, installing windows, plumbing, electrical, site grading


4/11/2019 UPDATE

**Recently completed: atrium ceiling and most of the roof
**In process: heating areas to remove ground frost, caulking, roofing, storm water, plumbing and electrical
**Upcoming: install of rooftop hvac units, pouring some concrete in the building



3/19/2019 UPDATE

**Recently completed: setting steel decking, sandblasting about 99% complete
**In process: setting wood decking, closing up areas of the building, heating areas to remove ground frost, caulking
**Upcoming: roofing above Blackhawk Kids, electrical and plumbing





3/5/2019 UPDATE

Setting roof trusses throughout the building are completed and we are currently working on setting the steel and wood decking. In progress is also sandblasting concrete to expose aggregate and change color. On the agenda is the continued work on rood decking, closing up the  building to work on inside electrical and plumbing. Stay tuned!





2/19/2019 UPDATE

Framing for the atrium and roof are going up!! Stay tuned for more updates on this project!



1/8/2019 UPDATE

Here is a sneak peak of what the church looks like so far! We are so excited!


12/18/2018 UPDATE

The walls are coming up!!




12/17/2018 UPDATE

The preparation process of the walls that will be going up this coming week!


11/16/2018 UPDATE

Here is the start of the future atrium and walls of the Blackhawk Church in Fitchburg, WI!



10/21/2018 UPDATE

Wall footings are being placed! Stay tuned for more updates on our progress!




9/24/2018 UPDATE

Today’s the day of the start of the new Blackhawk Church! We were so excited to be joined together with the community of Fitchburg during the start of this process. We can’t wait to post updates of our progress!



At InteriorLOGIC, we build work environments. From our home office in Madison, WI our award-winning commercial interior design team focuses on creating spaces that work. We continually work to improve the end user experience with each design and our team is well-suited for challenging projects including LEED certification and sustainability projects. For more information about our business and approach, please visit www.intlogic.com.



Jennifer Rukavina:
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